Two posts in one week? You lucky things!
So, this post is a review - specifically a
review of Strange Medicine by Mike Russell. This book was sent to me by Strange
Books and it contains weird shot stories. I have to say, this book definitely
lived up to its title - it was strange.
The stories were normal stories with something slightly weird about it
and I think that was what made the book such an adventure to read. Also, the
short stories meant that I was thrown from one world to another. this added to
the experience of reading it.
Mike Russell must have the wildest
imagination! These stories are so different to one another and so out of the box that it was such a joy to
read. The different storylines really messed with my head, I think 'Flock' did that the most. Normally,
I'd give a little summary about the book itself but, I can't in this case if I
gave you any information it would spoil the stories- SORRY! But if you do want
to know, they will be i the spoiler section below.
I have to say, I was very impressed with
this book and I am so grateful to have received it! I would rate this 3.5
stars! I'd definitely recommend it if you're looking for something new and
different to read.
I'd just like to review each story down
here as it will contain some spoilery details.
- The first thing that struck me about this story
was that the main character was consistently
referred to by his full name. Then this strange character whilst doing he daily
routines pretty much imprisoned a pigeon in his office - as I said, strange,
but a good strange! This only bit that was very odd was the tying of the
strings, it really made me question the character, but it made sense at the end.
- Two Bricks - I absolutely loved this story, so
intriguing! The bricks appearing between two things and still having the
initials on one of the bricks. When he then becomes fearful of the bricks it
was lovely that he wife could solve them for him. But then, when Tiffany died,
he built himself into the bridge... best ending ever.
- The concept of this story was that the phone in
which she rang Dan on (I assumed he was
a boyfriend or significant other) she fell in love with. She constantly tell
Dan that she's not talking to him when she says 'I love you' and in the last section he becomes paranoid that she's
still not talking to her. Sounds confusing - you just need to read it.
- I did like
the ending of this and the basic concept, it was just a bit drawn out. I loved
the idea of their visibility but the story just wasn't for me.
Dennis and the Universe - During this I did feel
some sympathy for Mr Dennis and his experience in the universe and I did
understand his need to punch it. But
the fact that he kept his dead daughter with him was strangely heart-warming.
And then as she appears with the same white freckles he used to symbolise the
universe showed his acceptance. It was a nice heart-warming story, not as odd
as the rest of them.
Spy - I still question if she's paranoid or what actually
happened in the story... it's a thinker.
- kept me on edge the whole time. When the 'noise'
was first mentioned I thought he was imagining it but when it was revealed he
had no brain it made sense. However from that I thought that maybe it was white
noise from the lack of brain but, I loved the end where he finds the magic
stone he threw in the bin as a child.
Shish - A should fish! Actually amazing! I really enjoyed this one, a really fun one to end on .
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