Saturday, 24 September 2016



So, I've hinted both on here and on my instagram that I would be soon doing a giveaway and.... IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!

As a thank you to all of you lovely viewers I am going to be running a giveaway, celebrating 1000 views!

Let's start with the eBooks. The first one in this giveaway is Rising, the first book in the New World series, by J K Wilson. This book features the protagonist, Phoenix, who had witnessed her parents' murders at the age of eleven. Throughout  she's trying to dodge tribes whose mottos are simple - 'Join or Die' - whilst questioning who to trust. She even questions herself. This book is dystopian and action packed (what else could you really ask for?)  and I'm so glad that this author has offered her work to the giveaway.

The next two eBooks are by the same author! Eyes of Persuasion is a historical - paranormal fusion (which sounds fantastic) featuring Isabeau who hides a secret power which keeps her out of trouble. She then meets Everett, who's hired an inspector to catch some criminals and stumbles across her in the process of finding them. This is such an exciting mix of romance, mystery and the paranormal and I'm (hopefully) soon to be reading it myself. 

The next one is Dissension, the first book in The Blood Inheritance trilogy. This is a vampire book about war and love, on the search for a child of the prophecy that could end the war between vampires. I have started this one, and the lustful quality of vampires is portrayed from the very start and it's gripping from the get-go.

Now for the physical copy! The book I have to giveaway is a SIGNED COPY of Isle of Winds by James Fahy. Robin Fellows has his world turned upside down once his grandmother suddenly dies , introducing him into a new reality... AND IT FEATURES THE FAE (I LOVE THE FAE SO MUCH). So for me, this book is perfect! I can't wait to read it in the future and be introduced to Fahy's presentation of the magical realms!

Now for some bookish Jewellery. If you follow me on instagram, you would've seen that a while back I bought a City of Bones necklace from Just1MoreChapter on etsy. Well... I HAVE SOME OF HER STUFF TO GIVEAWAY! I have: A Court of Thorns and Roses key ring, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone necklace and The Bane Chronicles Earrings. Her products are such good quality and I'm so glad I get to give it away!


This giveaway is open worldwide so. I'm more than happy to send these anywhere (as you guys are all across the world). 

However the most important rule is, you must be subscribed to my blog. It's easy to do, all you have to do is enter your email and you'll get notifications as to when I post! 

I will contact the winner via the email they've subscribed to me with to recieve contact details, if they don't then respond within 24 hours I will redraw a name. 

This giveaway is open until the 24th October so you have one month!