Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Carrie Hope Fletcher signing

On Monday 8th August Ren and I went to Carrie Fletcher's book signing for On The Other Side at Cardiff Waterstones.

It's fair to say that, for me, the day started off poorly. I got up at what I thought was the correct time to get up. Turns out, I thought the train was at 10:25.... It was at 9:25.... And I only realised this when Ren had texted me saying that she was on the platform. So it was lucky I had a neighbour who was on hand to take me to the station.

When we got to Cardiff, we went straight to Waterstones to be met by a small queue already. So, we got our wristbands (that we weren't allowed to keep in the end) and went to go and get some food. We also had this really good idea to get Carrie some orange sweets (which if you've read OTOS you'd know why that's significant) however, Sainsburys let us down and didn't have any (shame on you Sainsbury's).

About, 10 minutes before the signing started we had a security guard come round and tell us what she would sign and what she wouldn't. She was really lovely and was willing to sign anything that she had written (I had 3 books so that was good news).

When I met Carrie, she was the loveliest person. I've met her once before and I swear she gets kinder everytime I meet her. I told her about my theatrical ambitions and how they originated with me watching her vlogs and realising that theatre was an actual career. And her reply was 'you don't need to thank me, you've got yourself there' and that was the nicest thing ever.

I couldn't have asked for a better experience. The booksellers at Cardiff Waterstones we so lovely and so welcoming. Carrie is one of the nicest people I could ever meet so nice to meet her again despite forgetting to give her my letter.

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