Hi friends!
Sorry I went on yet again another hiatus, but I've been settling into a new job and figuring out my work-life balance and when I can actually find time to post. But here I am ready to share with you some thoughts on DNFing books.
So if you don't know, DNF stands for Did Not Finish. Now, I have DNfd a few books in my lifetime but recently I've been doing it more. Personally, I don't like to post bad reviews about books due to authors and editors and loads of other people having put a lot of time into them - I just don't post reviews when I haven't liked a book.
Recently, I started reading Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas and got about 150 pages in and didn't want to read anymore. The thought of reading was really hard for me to do and I just wasn't enjoying it. So I DNFd it.
Now that I have a platform in which I talk about books, I feel like I feel more guilty about doing this but - LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO READ A BOOK YOU DON'T LIKE PEOPLE!!
I feel that in the future I will probably only wait 100 pages until I decide whether to carry on reading a book because I pursued this book for a lot longer than I probably should have.
Moral of this whole post, don't feel guilty about not liking a book and letting it put you in a slump because, let me tell ya, I'm deep in a slump and I am struggling to get out (so if anyone has any tips please help a girl out thanks)
Hope you guys are keeping safe wherever you are (sorry this is short, gotta leave you wanting more ya know)