Friday, 9 June 2017

I'm helping to run a book club?? What??

Yes you read that right!

So on the 25th June I am helping to run a YA book club at Waterstones in Gloucester! If you'd like to get involved, here's what you need to know:

  • Where is it? Waterstones in Gloucester, in the cafe
  • When is it? Sunday the 25th June at 2pm, it finishes at about 3pm
  • What book are we reading?
Well I'm glad you asked that one.

The book we will be reading and discussing is The Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman book one of the His Dark Materials series. This book is the basis for the film, 'The Golden Compass'. 

For those who have not seen the film or have not heard of the book, here is a brief summary for you:

I begins with a girl and her daemon

Lyra lives in a universe where science, theology and magic are intertwined. Yet for Lyra, her world is climbing on rooftops with her friend Roger.

Then children start to go missing, taken by a group know as 'The Gobblers'. When Roger is taken, Lyra finds herself in a hunt that will take her far from her home in oxford - to a kingdom of ice bears and witches.

Here, Lyra's quest to truley understand the phenomenon called 'Dust' uncovers secrets about her family hat she would never have dreamed of discovering

So if that sounds amazing to you (which it does to me) come and join us!